
Easy to use, Responsive features, Mobile-first approach
Compatible with all modern browsers

HRMS + Payroll

A standard navigation class navbar navbar-default

Time & Attendance

grid system allows up to 12 columns across the page

Project & Procurement

Bootstrap Grid system has four classes - xs, sm, md & lg

Inventory & Asset Management

Modal is a dialog box/popup, Tooltip is small pop-up box

Sales Management

The Carousel plugi

Costing & Financial Accounting

The Carousel plugin is a Slideshow

What our client says

We pride ourselves on providing superior service but you don't just have to take our word for it.
Read what employers around the world have to say about working with us in the client testimonials below.


- Jeremy Fernandos / Olgoonik

IT Manager

- Danilo / Burberry

Bank Manager

- Abuzar / Elnilein